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Considering a Boxer?

      The boxer is thought by many to be the ideal family dog. Those who love the breed know them to be exuberant, loyal and loving companions. They are NOT, however, the ideal breed for everyone. The same qualities and characteristics that endear them to those who love them may make them unsuitable for some households. To those who are considering owning a boxer we offer the following information - not to discourage potential loving owners, but to aid them in making a conscientious decision. Owning a boxer is a joy - acquiring one demands a true commitment to the physical and emotional health of the dog.

      One of the primary characteristics that must be taken into account when considering a boxer is the high energy level common to the breed. Boxers are lively, active dogs, and may be too boisterous for some households. The proper balance of rest and exercise is essential.

      Boxers are extremely "people-oriented" and have a great need for human companionship. Those who receive insufficient attention may resort to "bad" behavior in an attempt to gain it.

      The boxer is a HOUSE dog. While they may enjoy regular play and exercise outdoors they are not suited for outside living. Their short coats cannot protect them from long exposure to cold temperatures and their short muzzles make them susceptible to extreme heat.

      The boxer is a natural guardian of his home, but should NOT be purchased solely for that purpose. ALL dogs require intensive training in order to perform properly as protection animals. Only those with absolutely sound temperaments are suitable.

      As with any breed, obedience training is essential for a well-mannered, disciplined companion. Boxers are an intelligent, clever breed. It is important to remember that an intelligent dog can devise more ways of getting into trouble than a dull one. Boxers must be trained in a firm but fair manner - they do not respond well to (or deserve) harsh treatment.

      The boxer's short, tight coat requires little grooming, however like most breeds, they DO shed, particularly in Spring and Fall. The degree of shedding varies with the individual. Some lines are prone to skin allergies.

      Boxers are not wet mouth also known as drooling. Usually this is only when they have just finished drinking water. They may also snore.

      The Official standard of the boxer calls for cropped ears. While many pet owners opt not to have this procedure, those who have their boxer cropped must be prepared to perform the necessary aftercare and taping to ensure the ears stand properly. This CAN be a lengthy process.

      Finally, on the rather delicate subject of flatulence- the boxers digestion is sometimes less than perfect. Even when fed a high quality food, SOME may have rather frequent and, well-noxious episodes of passing gas. This, of course, varies with the individual and may not occur at all. ( Just don't say you weren't warned if it does. )

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